Discipleship is one of the essential core skills of church planting. This Discipleship course is designed to assist you in developing necessary attitudes, skills and knowledge to be effective in disciple-making as key to establishing healthy, relevant, reproducing churches.

Note: World Team and SEND members pay $40 with coupon.

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Discipleship is one of the essential core skills of church planting. This Discipleship course is designed to assist you in developing necessary attitudes, skills and knowledge to be effective in disciple-making as key to establishing healthy, relevant, reproducing churches. We will have the benefit of newer and veteran workers learning together, bringing fresh ideas and the wisdom of years of experience. When you have completed this module, you will have:

  • Articulated the essentials of discipleship.
  • Considered what reflects spiritual growth in a disciple in your context.
  • Compared the biblical worldview and your host culture’s worldview in order to identify some ways to contextualize your approach to discipleship.
  • Identified areas where God is challenging you to grow as a disciple-maker.
  • Interacted with the role of failure in discipleship.
  • Owned the role discipleship has in seeing churches multiply.
  • Identified barriers to making disciples that reproduce.

Course Structure

Discipleship: Growing Mature Followers of Jesus includes four weeks of daily lessons and three days for a course wrap-up. Each lesson may include an article for reading, a short video, a worksheet, an online posting of your reply or a forum discussion. Each day will normally take 15-45 minutes to complete. You should plan to participate in the course every day (not including weekends). Expect to spend about 4-6 hours weekly. All the material is downloadable and usable offline (with links to videos).

Discipleship: Growing Mature Followers of Jesus grows out of the World Team Church Planting and Multiplication Roadmap.  The Roadmap addresses four critical components: Evangelism, Discipleship, Nurturing Community, and Multiplication.This courses focuses on the second component witch is Discipleship.


Additional information
Approximate Time Commitment

20 hours



4 weeks


October 2 – November 1, 2024

Discipleship: Growing Mature Followers of Jesus (#2 in the Roadmap Series)
$95.00 Select options